As a communicator and part of the Latino community of the Northwest, I show my heritage through my paintings. I believe in and share in the world’s necessity of compassion, love, and environmental defense. I speak softly through my art, gentle and strong as a woman—my paintings are intimate, spiritual, and feminine. My work is mainly connected with Pachamama or Mother Nature.

We have in human history many different names for the Spirit of our planet, always manifesting as female because of her capacity to give and create life. We, as humans, are unique among creatures because of our self-awareness. Sadly, many today are indifferent to our connections rooted in Mother Earth. Everything has roots; everything came from something and everything will become something else. We are the roots of what the future will bring.

My reflections on my life caused me to identify with the lives of other women who struggle to change their world. All women are creators of life and change the world each in their own way. Many of my paintings are related to the lives of remarkable women in history who share a common trait—courage.